People's perception is different from one individual to the next. That's why we are different. But one of the worst things you can do is get wrapped up in their lies. The point from when you began to believe their lies and judgement is when you loose all sense of self.
Society has a power to control other's lives. The major trends, the popular looks, the music that is taking over — it is all based on majority rule. What about that one speck of opinion lost in space? No one cares about it. But that's alright. One day someone will. It's better to have one person truly appreciate you than to go by society "rules" and views.
Everyday people are confronted by others. Whether it be in a positive or negative way, we are confronted. Posts of social networks, from the clothes we wear — we are always searching for comfort and acceptance. It never fails.
Let's change some things. How does that sound? Don't allow someone to tell you what's right or wrong. Do what pleases you. The only way someone can appreciate someone's time is to acknowledge and love their own company. You may feel lonely but you are finding who you really are. What are your loves, your pet-peeves and what really brings you happiness. Who said we needed someone to be happy.
Don't worry about what your peers or elders think. Ultimately, you know the real you. You are the only one who can decide upon decisions in your life. It's funny how we are literally brain-washed to talk a certain way, walk that way, dress this way, and understand what's acceptable in public. Who made these rules? They didn't just apperate from thin air! So who's to say they are right? They aren't right; that person just wasn't ashamed or afraid to say, "Hey, you're not allowed to go nude in public!" From that moment on he began to have people agree and appreciate his opinion.
You're not fat: you simply like to eat. Or maybe that's not even the case! Many times its genetic; it just happens when you try your hardest to stay in control. Embrace it and just understand your body. Learn to love you. Respect that your body is that way.
You're not ugly: you just don't appeal to some people. . . Which is normal. Last time I checked not everyone likes someone. Learn to know what makes you beautiful and display that. Love yourself!
And for God's sake, NO ONE is worthless. Obviously we are here on Earth and we don't necessarily have to make our mark, but we can contribute to the world. The watch you just bought helped someone's life out because they are getting their needs meet. The peson who bought a burger from McDonalds is keeping someone's job open because of no one bought their burgers, then that company would shut down.
So no you may not leave your mark on the world. And sometimes that better than leaving one. Some people are only remembered by a handful of individuals. But those specific people, more than likely, had their lives changed for the better. You may have inspired them.
Personally, as long as I inspire or save one person in my lifetime, I can honestly say I have lived! Perception is a tricky thing that we are forced to live with. Don't let someone change you or your view on things. You are you! You are important! Always carry yourself with self-love and self-respect!
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