Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mockingjay (Part 1) Movie Review

If you're like me and read books before their movie come to theatres, then I believe, one hundred and ten percent, that you can agree with me on this: No movie is ever better than the book! The book is allowed to speak on a more emotional and descriptive level than a movie. 

With that said, there are movies that can conjure the same affect. But, in order for a book to be installed as a movie, they must rewrite and screen-write and so forth and so on (I am no expert in this field, this is just from what I know). Therefore, they have to add in different elements to the scenes to capture that emotion. Whether it's extra words, or someone else describing something or even music, the book's emotional feeling is attempted to be transferred on screen. This can be difficult and confusing. This is what most readers, like myself, nagg the movie industries for. 

The Hunger Games series is an amazing book collection. I can't deny that. The effortless composure of the overall storyline is quite astonishing. The connection you feel with the characters keeps you on edge and you begin to create you own alliance. Some may dislike Katniss Everdeen, because she is so stubborn and always on her "own mission". While others may dislike like President Snow for his overpowered authority. Whatever the case, that's what grabs the emotional connections to you and the book. 

The movie installment on the other hand, it felt very dragged out. The book had much activity going on constantly. Not necessarily action but something that kept you waiting. While I sat in the theatres waiting for the title screen to appear, the first five minutes felt dull and lifeless. It didn't really catch my attention. As the movie proceeded (or prolonged, shall I say), I actually caught myself dozing off. 

That's not suppose to happen! 

While they went by the book as best as possible for the film, it felt like they stretched out the not-so-important parts and converted the emotional content into a lousy portrayal of such, just to make a part one. To me, personally, it wasn't worth seeing. I feel as if they could've just made it all into one movie, instead of keeping the franchise going an additional year. But I'm also giving them the benefit-of-the-doubt and predict that part two of the saga collection will be more exhilarating. Because, like I mentioned, there is action in the book, so I'm expecting action in the last movie. 

I rate it an honest seven out of ten. And that's because I'm expecting the second part to be more promising. I believe if it weren't for the second part, I would rate it a lot lower. The first two movies in the collection were good. Very good indeed. I'm just not convinced about this particular one.

I wouldn't recommend seeing it in theatres. I wouldn't even recommend buying this one. But, if you're like my friend, you will buy it to complete your personal collection. I would rent it and be done. You're getting some information to prepare you for the second part of MOCKINGJAY; but if you decided to not watch it, it's not really like you're missing anything huge. In part one there are about a total or three or four scenes that were great ad the rest were a disappointment. 
"Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever. In. Your. Favor." ***whistles and raises the tribute salute***

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