Thursday, January 1, 2015


I'm here, looking upon the mysteriously, complexed universe. And it's staring back, calming the storm.
Everything falling, effortlessly, into place, as if rehearsed.
Making old things new; reborn.

I stare upon the million glistening eyes
With tentative mind, but certain heart.
I live in this moment; I realize,
That each living second is a refreshingly new start.

Inhale. Exhale. Releasing this  tension.
It begins to get easier for me not to question.
The way of life: how this works, or why this is.
But I live this life I live in absolute bliss.

•Brandon -J.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Don't Quit Your Daydream

     We all daydream. We all have dreams. We all wonder with "what ifs" and "maybes". I love daydreaming, but I find myself living in my head many moments through the day. One thought that has been running through my mind lately, although I don't like to think on "what ifs" because it's never reality, is my dad. Just a slight background history on my life: My dad passed in 2005 when I was 9 years of age. 
     I honestly don't mind talking about it. I've had people ask about my dad and when I inform them of the reality they always seem upset and cautious in what they say. I'm never offended anymore or believe that it is a touchy subject, simply because it's a fact that no one can ever change. It's reality; it's my life. I always try to tell others about what little bit I do remember about him and try to lighten the mood a bit. One big thing that I try to do if someone has recently had a parent pass, is help that person out. Whether they are older or younger... advice has no age label.
     My daydreams recently have been involving him. The three major questions I've been asking myself are:
     What would he be like? How would my life be like today? What would I be like? I know I will never get the answers to these questions, and that's alright. I'm totally fine with that. But, yes, I do wonder. 
     What would be his favorite recent movie? Would he like my favorite genre(s) of music? How would he look at me? Would he agree with my life choices and goals? What advice could and would he have given me? Most people say only what one wishes to hear:
     "Oh sweetie, he would be proud of you! He would support every move in your life and stand behind you every step of the way. And he would look at you as his son and would accept whatever you want and who you are." 
     Well, gee thanks! I could have created up those 'answers'. But how do you know? If my mother's and father's life would have been switched, I could say the same about her, but knowing how she truly is, it would all be one huge lie. She wouldn't like most of my music preferences; she wouldn't completely support me, and she would look at me as an outsider. Although, I would hear what I want, it wouldn't make it true. So, I ask again, how do you know? We don't, but like I said, I'm okay with that. 
     My life may be different. Instead of being placed in DSS custody, perhaps I would've lived with him. Maybe I wouldn't even have had the chance to even have that option to go into DSS (I probably wouldn't have skipped school). Would he have been stable enough to even take care of us (my brothers and I)?
     We always attempt to imagine the most possible outcome. Which is only natural. But, look at it from both perceptions. It's not a crime to do so. It may make you feel like a bad person because you think of it that way, but it's not uncommon. The person I am today may not even exist. His impression may reside within me. His advice may have been taken and put into action. I may be a total wreck due to the realization of having no parents who truly act as parents. Or maybe I may be at my prime.      
     Wishing only gets you so far - it only keeps you moving. Dreaming is only an escape. But, realization allows you to mold your character. Never assume the best only to get the worst. See your life through both eyes (great and horrible) and that will really show you where you want to be and where to start to get there. That said, I'm not saying it's going to be easy. We all need help and will continue to make mistakes and achieve small goals, as well as big ones. 
     As long as we remember where we came from, where we are going and who we are, we can stay honest and true to ourselves. Stop every once in awhile and realize life. Your life. What you are thankful for and things within yourself you can and want to change. This is a practice only one can encounter with honesty in their hearts. Only one who truly wants to see, can see
     Always carry yourself with self-love and self-respect! 

(P.S. If you don't know who this stunning, talented and gifted woman is. . . please search her name and find out who she is. Her song "Daydream" off her Foreword EP is amazing, and it sort of inspired this post.)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mockingjay (Part 1) Movie Review

If you're like me and read books before their movie come to theatres, then I believe, one hundred and ten percent, that you can agree with me on this: No movie is ever better than the book! The book is allowed to speak on a more emotional and descriptive level than a movie. 

With that said, there are movies that can conjure the same affect. But, in order for a book to be installed as a movie, they must rewrite and screen-write and so forth and so on (I am no expert in this field, this is just from what I know). Therefore, they have to add in different elements to the scenes to capture that emotion. Whether it's extra words, or someone else describing something or even music, the book's emotional feeling is attempted to be transferred on screen. This can be difficult and confusing. This is what most readers, like myself, nagg the movie industries for. 

The Hunger Games series is an amazing book collection. I can't deny that. The effortless composure of the overall storyline is quite astonishing. The connection you feel with the characters keeps you on edge and you begin to create you own alliance. Some may dislike Katniss Everdeen, because she is so stubborn and always on her "own mission". While others may dislike like President Snow for his overpowered authority. Whatever the case, that's what grabs the emotional connections to you and the book. 

The movie installment on the other hand, it felt very dragged out. The book had much activity going on constantly. Not necessarily action but something that kept you waiting. While I sat in the theatres waiting for the title screen to appear, the first five minutes felt dull and lifeless. It didn't really catch my attention. As the movie proceeded (or prolonged, shall I say), I actually caught myself dozing off. 

That's not suppose to happen! 

While they went by the book as best as possible for the film, it felt like they stretched out the not-so-important parts and converted the emotional content into a lousy portrayal of such, just to make a part one. To me, personally, it wasn't worth seeing. I feel as if they could've just made it all into one movie, instead of keeping the franchise going an additional year. But I'm also giving them the benefit-of-the-doubt and predict that part two of the saga collection will be more exhilarating. Because, like I mentioned, there is action in the book, so I'm expecting action in the last movie. 

I rate it an honest seven out of ten. And that's because I'm expecting the second part to be more promising. I believe if it weren't for the second part, I would rate it a lot lower. The first two movies in the collection were good. Very good indeed. I'm just not convinced about this particular one.

I wouldn't recommend seeing it in theatres. I wouldn't even recommend buying this one. But, if you're like my friend, you will buy it to complete your personal collection. I would rent it and be done. You're getting some information to prepare you for the second part of MOCKINGJAY; but if you decided to not watch it, it's not really like you're missing anything huge. In part one there are about a total or three or four scenes that were great ad the rest were a disappointment. 
"Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever. In. Your. Favor." ***whistles and raises the tribute salute***

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Tree of Life

A tree. So simple, elegant, and beautiful. They come in many different shapes and sizes and so many astonishing varieties. All born from a tiny seed that's been blessed and nurtured. Always on time for spring and never late for autumn and fall. Yet, they have no sense of time! No clocks; no one to advice them; nothing going off with an alarm. These simple creations are undoubtedly functionally complex that it's perfect. 

They continue to provide oxygen and bare the fruit we consume. The roots that hold the trees intact to the ground we dig, through vicious winds of many natural disasters, grow deeply into the soil in which it was conceived. As autumn and fall approach they slowly and beautifully say goodbye to the leaves they've provided a place to reside. They let go only with the knowledge that they will be blessed, once again, when the time and conditions are right. 

They do not rush; they do not complain. The leaves, happy to touch and feel the ground their parent was born in, show their appreciation by changing colors. Once their color fades, they are composed into nutrients for their parent to produce more leaves. The water from the clouds above and the light from the sun contribute to the growth of fruit and leaves in spring. Trees know that everything will happen in time. 

They do not worry; they do not hurt. Instead, they love endlessly: giving air to the suffering, enjoying every moment with their leaves as possible, so when it's their time to part the tree isn't selfish. The tree simply encourages and lets go proudly as the leaves settle on the ground. Once the tree, itself, is ready to pass over it does so willingly, knowing their purpose has been served. 

An energy pulsates through this organism like no other. Yet, we overlook it everyday. Life and people are much like trees. People come in different shapes sizes and are each uniquely and perfectly different. We are the seeds taking root in the soil. One day, some will produce leaves and others will bare fresh produce. Naturally, these leaves and produce will embark on their own journeys. When this moment comes, do no partake in selfishness. Encourage and guide them. Love often and know your purpose has been served. Continue to give often with the expectations of receiving nothing in return. Most importantly, do not rush time away that is guaranteed to never return! 

Live in the moment! Live in the present! Live in the present moment

***Dont forget to comment your creative ideas for Friday's drawing! It's simple: come up with a short-story plot (it can be weird, funny, twisted, or complete nonsense) and post it in the comment section! Thank you!***


Monday, November 3, 2014

Submit Your Creations

I want to practice my creative writing! As a result: Comment a story plot or scenario below! It can be anything — crazy, twisted, even complete nonsense. In return, at the end of the week I will write each scenario (word-for-word) on a slice of paper (yes, I said slice. People say a piece of pizza when it's a slice. . . So who's to say it's not a slice of paper?) into a jar or hat (which ever is available at the time) and draw one out! I will announce the winner every Friday (this weeks drawing will take place on 11/7/14) and Saturday I will post the story. So, here's your chance! Comment your best, or worst, ideas below! Thank you! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Social Vortex


     Are you happy? No, are you truly happy? Can you tell someone one thing that made you fill up with excitement everyday. . . even when your day was the worst day on this planet? Can you find a speck of hope? 
     So many of us are captured by the attention of social media. It's obvious and there's no denying this fact. This isn't a new case in the making for breaking news. Its quite well-known. The cause of this is because our specific species (homosapians) is too afraid of one thing other species do not care about or even have knowledge of. Time! We are the only species to have fear of time running out. 
     Social media has only adapted our lives in a way that we no longer can have our moment. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and so many other social apps have enable us to share every living second with the world. We no longer know the true value of time. Instead of appreciating it (time) we have the biggest fear of it. 
     Earth revolves around the Internet in today's society. That one moment that you could share only with that special someone is now streamed by millions over social media. Why can't that specific moment be your moment? Who said it was anyone else's to claim? Yet, we've evolved into this solution that it's hard not to post these cherished moments of ours. It's not for envy or jealousy. . . it's simply a custom we've created. 
     Last night I decided to go outside for awhile. I began listening to iTunes Radio and my phone died. Honestly I didn't even feel like charging my phone — it was all the way upstairs and it was just too much at the time. So as the minutes progressed, I happened to look up at the sky. I live in the country so not many lights are able to distort the stars from one's vision. They are in plain view, burning ever so brightly. This particular night was astonishing. The sky's hue faded from a light indigo to a dark violet; the stars being as incandescent as ever, forming constellations I know not. 
     I couldn't shake this scenery, so I layed down in the field of grass and just observed the sky. We all see it everyday. Whether it's raining or storming or even shining brightly to light the world around us, it's always constant. Really, it's the only constant thing in our lives. But in this very moment I establish a memory in my life. It was perfect! The first thing I reached for was my phone to snap a photo and post it to share with the world, but my phone was dead. It had totally escaped my thought because it is so common for us to use our devices that practically rule our lives. This moment, this memory was mine! 
     We've easily extinguished the priceless moments in our lives. That one moment to share for the rest of your life; that one moment that people wish they were there to witness; that one moment that makes everything around you feel perfectly timed and in order. Those are the moments we are suppose to strive for. Every moment of your life is not for the world. It's for you and those there with you. Those moments are yours! No one can steal those from you. . . unless you allow them to. 
     Then I spotted an airplane thousands and thousands of feet above me. I waved to the passengers although they would never know this. They would never know i exsisted; they wouldn't see my wave of greetings; they wouldn't even know there was a house that I would sleep in that night.  Flying directly above me at extreme speeds, onto the next adventure in their lives. Would they, too, be sucked into the vortex of social media? Or would they allow the precious moments of life simmer inside them and only them? 
     You must understand this: I'm not saying don't post things on social networks, but limit them. Let your distant family see how you're doing and update them, but don't allow yourself to forget to enjoy every moment, as much as possible! 
     Then, the thought of the plane crashing on top myself made me shutter. Would I be content with my life choices thus far. Granted, that would be an epic way to pass, but would I be okay with dying in that very instant? 
     Life is 90% about situations or problems that occur, while the other 10% is how you manage and deal with these occurrences. Your choices determine your character. Do what you love but know that you can only make your descisions. Don't let someone influence you because, ultimately, you are the yes or the no
     Remember to continue to carry yourself with self-love and self-respect. Don't degrade your lifestyle to common society customs. Allow yourself the pleasures of life itself — without time being the concerning factor. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Perceptions of a Somebody

"You're fat. You're ugly. You're gay. You're worthless. All you ever do is mess things up."
The list could go on and on with what people may have said to you. But from this moment forward let's take Lysol and some rags and wash the lies off!  
     People's perception is different from one individual to the next. That's why we are different. But one of the worst things you can do is get wrapped up in their lies. The point from when you began to believe their lies and judgement is when you loose all sense of self. 
     Society has a power to control other's lives. The major trends, the popular looks, the music that is taking over — it is all based on majority rule. What about that one speck of opinion lost in space? No one cares about it. But that's alright. One day someone will. It's better to have one person truly appreciate you than to go by society "rules" and views. 
     Everyday people are confronted by others. Whether it be in a positive or negative way, we are confronted. Posts of social networks, from the clothes we wear — we are always searching for comfort and acceptance. It never fails. 
     Let's change some things. How does that sound? Don't allow someone to tell you what's right or wrong. Do what pleases you. The only way someone can appreciate someone's time is to acknowledge and love their own company. You may feel lonely but you are finding who you really are. What are your loves, your pet-peeves and what really brings you happiness. Who said we needed someone to be happy. 
     Don't worry about what your peers or elders think. Ultimately, you know the real you. You are the only one who can decide upon decisions in your life. It's funny how we are literally brain-washed to talk a certain way, walk that way, dress this way, and understand what's acceptable in public. Who made these rules? They didn't just apperate from thin air! So who's to say they are right? They aren't right; that person just wasn't ashamed or afraid to say, "Hey, you're not allowed to go nude in public!" From that moment on he began to have people agree and appreciate his opinion.
     You're not fat: you simply like to eat. Or maybe that's not even the case! Many times its genetic; it just happens when you try your hardest to stay in control. Embrace it and just understand your body. Learn to love you. Respect that your body is that way. 
     You're not ugly: you just don't appeal to some people. . . Which is normal. Last time I checked not everyone likes someone. Learn to know what makes you beautiful and display that. Love yourself! 
     And for God's sake, NO ONE is worthless. Obviously we are here on Earth and we don't necessarily have to make our mark, but we can contribute to the world. The watch you just bought helped someone's life out because they are getting their needs meet. The peson who bought a burger from McDonalds is keeping someone's job open because of no one bought their burgers, then that company would shut down.
     So no you may not leave your mark on the world. And sometimes that better than leaving one. Some people are only remembered by a handful of individuals. But those specific people, more than likely, had their lives changed for the better. You may have inspired them. 
     Personally, as long as I inspire or save one person in my lifetime, I can honestly say I have lived! Perception is a tricky thing that we are forced to live with. Don't let someone change you or your view on things. You are you! You are important! Always carry yourself with self-love and self-respect!